Sunday, April 5, 2009

You gotta serve somebody...

Today at house church we shared Ms. Jan’s favorite meal, homemade grilled hamburgers. Ken mixed up some 100% ground beef with seasonings and we grilled ‘em fresh. They were good. But before all of the eating stuff, we shared with each other what the Lord has shown us individually during the week.

Sharon shared with the group that she had been listening to a CD by Rita Springer. The song All My Days has a line in the bridge that says “Here am I so in Love with serving you”, “you” being God. So many times our thoughts about “loving” God are just thoughts. What does it mean to serve God? Jesus made it plain to His disciples that our love for one another should be so evident that the world would know we are His. “I give you a new commandment”, Jesus said to His disciples, “that you should love one another as I have loved you. By this everyone will know you are my disciples, by your love for one another.” (John 13:34 & 35, paraphrased). I think it has been mentioned before, but for clarity sake, love is an action word. Love is proven through relationship, sacrifice and service. The “proof” of our love for God is our love for each other.

This “love” that we are COMMANDED to have for one another is not optional. The americanized gospel taught today puts the premium on serving self rather than others, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if we simply obeyed the commandments of God? There might be revival in that kind of thinking……

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